over the night, the finest ice crystals fell over the forest. thin blades of grass poked up out of the white cover, and the holly wore white mittens. here the cattails at the edge of a lake lay flattened and battered, a graceful cluster of hollow brown skeletons of a year gone.
a wind continued to blow through the woods where it lifted off the sheer powder from the hollies. the ice crystals were so fine and pure, they became illuminated by the shafts of sunlight, forming a swirling golden path between the trees. you could hear the ice crystals as they crashed violently into each other, a thousand far off bells.
across the forest floor, the green winter life swelled up out of the snow. here is a runner plant whose roots are so connected that you can pull up all by one. tiny and miniature trees leftover from a world of other plants of long ago, holding on as the giants of the newer world sleep.